各位兄弟姐妹, 新年蒙恩!龍蛇交輝迎禧年, 主恩滿溢喜朝聖,歲去年來新換舊,龍潛蛇舞景成春。
4. 銅蛇預表耶穌:在《戶籍紀》中,以色列子民曾在曠野中,因缺乏水及食物,埋怨天主,因而受到毒蛇的攻擊,有些人因此喪命。他們向梅瑟悔改認罪,梅瑟代表群眾懇求上主的原諒,按照天主指示,製作了一條銅蛇,並把它高舉在竹竿上,凡仰望銅蛇的人,都能免於死亡。(參閱戶21:1-9)然而,銅蛇本身無法救人,它是一個標誌,指向天主的救恩。子民得救的原因,是因為他們的信德與悔改,以及對天主指示的順從,這預示了信仰的本質——憑藉信德,我們能與天主和好並得到救恩。
5. 圣母的后裔踏踏碎蛇的头颅:创3:14—15节,天主对蛇说:“我要把仇恨放在你和女人,你的后裔和她的后裔之间,她的后裔要踏碎你的头颅,你要伤害他的脚跟。”这段圣经中的女人就是圣母玛利亚。因此,圣母是我们的母亲,踏碎蛇头是指得胜魔鬼的象征。“ 而圣经中女人的后裔,在此特别指拯救人类的新元首基督。
6.结论:基督徒要会舍得与别人分享,有舍(蛇)有得。但願我們機警像蛇,在善與惡,及與基督信仰有衝突時,能以警覺、機敏的心去面對,在這邪惡衝擊的時代,我们依靠主耶稣才能·,站立得住。我们是基督的兄弟。在这新的一年的开始,让我们祈求圣母玛利亚的转祷,在她的保护之下,带领我们仰望她的圣子,我们的主耶稣基督。 阿门!铎末:蔡钊发
春节谈蛇-2025-新版 (简体)
1. 前言:圣经中的蛇
2. 铜蛇的象征意义
3. 我们要机警如蛇
4. 铜蛇预表耶稣
5. 圣母的后裔踏碎蛇的头颅
6. 结论
Chinese New Year 2025 Homily
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Happy New Year!
1. Introduction: The Snake in the Bible
In this Year of the Snake, several biblical references about snakes are being explored. All things are created by God, and from God’s perspective, all His creations are good. The snake, too, is created by God; it is sharp, intelligent, and adaptable, able to survive in harsh environments.
In our Chinese culture, snakes are referred to as "little dragons" and are considered the incarnation of dragons. The intersection of dragon and snake in accepting the light of Christ symbolises hope for a bright future. Let us reflect on the bronze serpent. The incident where Moses lifted up the bronze serpent in the wilderness has profound symbolic significance for our faith, especially in the mystery of salvation through Christ, which has been fully revealed.
2. The Bronze Serpent Symbolising Healing and Salvation
On the other hand, there are scriptures that positively describe the bronze serpent, symbolising healing and salvation. The bronze serpent itself did not have the power to heal; it symbolised the God whom the Israelites looked to for healing. It was God who commanded Moses to make the bronze serpent. The bronze serpent represented God's justice but also revealed His love and mercy. By looking upon the bronze serpent, the Israelites demonstrated their obedience to God’s word and trust in His salvation.
This teaches future generations that those who obey God's commands and accept His grace through the cross of Christ will receive eternal life. Even in the medical profession, the ‘bronze serpent’ is used as a symbol of healing.
Here, I would like to share three key points:
3. We Should Be Wise and Alert Like the Snake
We must be as alert as snakes. When attacked by worldly temptations or sins in our daily lives, we must learn from the Israelites: confess our sins, repent, turn to Christ, and look to Him for salvation. The Lord Jesus taught, “Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16). This is not just a reminder to His disciples at that time but also a guide for the attitude of every Christian today.
The "dove" symbolises peace, purity, and trust. Jesus invites us to have a simple heart—one that completely trusts in God, treats others with sincerity, and remains free from hypocrisy. Simplicity does not mean being naïve or ignorant but rather being able to face the good and evil in life calmly. It means maintaining hope in goodness while remaining alert to evil.
"Snake," in the Bible, often symbolises wisdom. When Jesus asked us to "be wise as serpents," He was not encouraging cunning but teaching us to develop keen insight and flexibility. In a world filled with challenges, Christians need to distinguish right from wrong, act prudently, and avoid falling prey to temptation or deceit.
Being as innocent as a dove keeps us kind, while being as wise as a snake helps us avoid being blind. If we are only innocent, we may be taken advantage of; if we are only wise, we may become cold and calculating. We must embrace the world with a pure heart, see reality with discerning eyes, and live in love and truth.
4. The Bronze Serpent Foreshadowing Jesus
In the Book of Numbers, the Israelites, while in the wilderness, complained about the lack of food and water and were subsequently attacked by venomous snakes. Many died, and the people confessed their sins to Moses. Moses, in turn, prayed to the Lord for forgiveness. God instructed Moses to create a bronze serpent and lift it on a pole, so that anyone who looked at it would be saved from death (Numbers 21:1-9).
The bronze serpent itself had no power to save; it was merely a symbol pointing to God’s salvation. The Israelites were saved because of their faith, repentance, and obedience to God's instructions. This foreshadowed the essence of faith: through faith, we are reconciled with God and receive salvation.
In the Gospel of John 3:14, it is stated: “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.” The lifting of the bronze serpent symbolises Christ being exalted on the cross. Those who trust in Christ crucified are saved from sin and death.
5. The Woman’s Offspring Crushing the Serpent’s Head
In Genesis 3:14-15, the Lord says to the serpent:
“Because you have done this, cursed are you among all the animals, tame or wild; on your belly, you shall crawl, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; they will strike at your head while you strike at their heel.”
The "woman" in this passage is often understood as the Blessed Virgin Mary. Thus, Mary is our spiritual mother, and the crushing of the serpent's head symbolises victory over the devil. The offspring of the woman, in this context, refers to Christ, the new head of humanity, who came to save us.
6. Conclusion
Christians must be willing to share with others. Where there is sharing, there is blessing. May we possess the wisdom of serpents, remaining vigilant and discerning when confronted with evil and challenges to our faith. In these turbulent and contradictory times, let us stand firm by placing our trust in the Lord Jesus.
We are brothers and sisters in Christ. As the new year begins, let us pray for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Under her protection, may she lead us to look upon her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Rev. Fr. Philip Chua