Church Restoration Updates

Church restoration will begin on 3rd June 2019 and is expected to complete on 30th August 2019.

If you wish to donate, you can click here to find out how you can donate

Change the AC units
We will be replacing the exisiting 14 units of ceiling type split air-conditioning Why do we need new ones?
  • The compressors are only functioning at 40%
  • Spare parts for the air-conditioning units have become obsolete
  • Air-conditioning units with the latest technology will save cost in the long run
Repaint Church Interior
We will repaint the Interior church building, and include flat roof water-proofing
Why do we need new ones?
  • There are many stain marks, discolouration and cracks in the church interior because the church interior was last painted in 2000!
  • To prevent water leakage from the roof and prevent mildew
  • So that the House of God will look clean and beautiful!
Renovate the sanctuary walls
We will be replacing the cladding materials inside the sanctuary.
Why do we need new ones?
  • To improve acoustics by reducing feedback from the soundwaves.
  • To restore the most sacred space in the church to its rightful glory.
  • To enable a conducive environment for prayer and meditation
Upgrade the chapel
Many of us would have seen the utility bills of our church and it is definitely not asmall number. This is one of the reasons why there is a need for the upgrade of the chapel so that masses/ services of a smaller crowd can be held here as a cost saving measure.
We will
  • Extend the chapel until the end of the adoration room.
  • Build an entrance to the chapel from outside the church.
Upgrade Audio Visual (AV) equipment
Why do we need to do this?
  • To replace broken equipments
  • To install up-to-date infrastructure (i.e replacing VGA cables with HDMI)
  • To ensure that parishioners are able to listen attentively and participate actively during mass.
Repair and re-shellac the existing pews
Why do we need to do this?
  • To fix/repair pews that are scratched and/or covered with wax
  • To rejuvenate the interior of the church.
  • To extend the lifespan of the pews
Resurface church carpark and driveway
Potholes on the roads are beginning to develop and this causes safety hazards to parishioners with difficulty in walking.
Why do we need to do this?
  • There are many potholes on the roads.
  • To ensure the safety of parishioners, especially older parishioners who walk with support or on wheelchairs.
  • The last re-premix was done in 2008